
Common Questions& Helpful Answers

How Do Foot Problems Impact Overall Health?

Your feet play a crucial role in mobility and balance. Issues like untreated infections, poor circulation, and misalignments can lead to broader health concerns.

Are There Specific Foot Concerns for Women?

Women often face specific foot issues due to footwear choices like high heels, which can lead to bunions, hammertoes, and other problems. Pregnancy can also affect foot health, causing changes like swelling and flat feet.

How Can I Prevent Foot Injuries?

To prevent foot injuries, wear the right shoes for your activity, warm up before exercising, maintain a healthy weight, and avoid overuse. Routine check-ups with a qualified podiatrist can also help identify and address potential issues early.

What Are the Signs of a Foot Infection?

Signs of a foot infection include redness, warmth, swelling, pain, and sometimes discharge. If you notice any of these symptoms, especially if you have diabetes or poor circulation, you should see a podiatrist promptly.

Can Podiatry Help with Foot Odor?

Yes, podiatrists can help identify the cause of foot odor and recommend treatments. This may include advice on foot hygiene, appropriate footwear, and products to reduce sweat and bacteria.

What is a Podiatric Sports Medicine Specialist?

A podiatric sports medicine specialist focuses on the treatment and prevention of sports-related foot and ankle injuries. They guide proper footwear, injury prevention, and rehabilitation techniques.

How Often Should I Replace My Running Shoes?

Generally, you should invest in new running shoes about every 300 to 500 miles. Overworn shoes can lead to foot and ankle injuries.

How Can I Maintain Good Foot Health?

Good foot health can be maintained by routinely washing and drying your feet, wearing well-fitted, comfortable shoes, keeping your nails trimmed and clean, avoiding walking barefoot in public places, and regularly checking your feet for any changes or signs of problems. These simple steps are key in preventing common foot issues.

What Should I Expect During a Podiatry Appointment?

In your first podiatry appointment, the podiatrist will review your medical history as well as any current medications. They will also perform a physical exam and might perform tests like X-rays if necessary. They will discuss your symptoms and concerns, provide a diagnosis, and talk through your treatment options. This comprehensive approach ensures a personalized treatment plan.

What Common Foot Problems Can a Podiatrist Treat?

Podiatrists are skilled at treating a variety of foot conditions. This includes bunions and hammertoes, heel pain, nail disorders, diabetic foot care, flat feet, and sports injuries, where they provide treatment and advice on injuries related to sports and physical activities.

Why Do I Have Heel Pain?

You can prevent fungal toenails if you invest in a few precautionary measures. Make sure you wash your feet with soap and water every day. Pat them dry with a clean towel, paying extra attention to the spaces between your toes. Keep your nails trimmed and clean as well.

Can Podiatrists Perform Surgery?

Many podiatrists are trained and licensed to perform foot and ankle surgery. This can range from minor procedures like ingrown toenail removal to more complex surgeries for bunions or heel pain.

When Should I See a Podiatrist?

Consider scheduling a visit with a podiatrist if you're experiencing ongoing foot or ankle pain, changes in the skin or nails on your foot, severe scaling, cracking or peeling on the heel or foot, blisters, signs of bacterial infection, painful bunions or corns, or issues with ingrown toenails. These symptoms can indicate underlying conditions that require professional attention.

Is Foot Pain Normal As We Age?

While it's common to experience changes in foot health with age, persistent foot pain isn't normal and should be evaluated by a podiatrist.

How Does Diabetes Affect Foot Health?

Diabetes is known to cause poor blood circulation and nerve damage, which can increase the risk of infections and foot ulcers. Regular podiatric care is important for preventing serious complications.

Can Podiatrists Help with Footwear Advice?

Podiatrists can certainly provide valuable insights on selecting the right footwear for your specific foot shape and size and for different activities. This advice is particularly beneficial for those with medical conditions like diabetes, where proper footwear is essential in preventing complications.

What is Podiatry?

Podiatry is a type of medical practice that is dedicated to the treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of foot, ankle, and lower extremity disorders. Podiatrists are specialists trained to handle various conditions ranging from common foot problems to complex disorders.